We can process Professionally Prepared Income Tax Returns up to 10 years back. If you did not file a tax return for any year between 2003 and 2013 we would be happy to prepare the tax return and request a refund for you. Also, if you have any doubts about your already filed tax return we can easily check your tax return to make sure that it was prepared correctly and for your benefit. The most common tax returns we do:
- Social Assistance Recipients
- Students
- Retired
- Employed
- Non-residents
- Rental Income
- Investment Income
- Self-employed
- Corporate Tax Return
Fees for any of the above returns include preparation of your tax return based on up to 5 tax slips. If you have more than 5 tax slips an additional charge per slip will apply. This rule applies to personal tax returns only. Applicable taxes are extra.
Why should you do your taxes with us?
- Your tax returns are professionally prepared.
- We offer year-round accounting & tax support.
- We use all available methods for minimizing your taxes
- We will communicate with CRA on your behalf
- We E-file your returns which results in getting your refund faster